Ryan Beaupre
Email: ryan.beaupre@rdcrs.ca
Instagram: rdcrsym
Ryan Beaupre
Email: ryan.beaupre@rdcrs.ca
Instagram: rdcrsym
Edge is a middle school Catholic youth ministry program that is filled with fun, food, games, prayer, and sessions based on the Catholic faith. High school students have the opportunity to be Edge leaders through formation and leadership training. This program is run through Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools and the parishes of Red Deer, Innisfail, Blackfalds and Olds. High School leaders help run these events.
Google Classroom: Edge Middle School Youth Group-for Middle School updates:
Class code: 44shakh
Google Classroom Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3NTE3MjIxMzg2?cjc=44shakh
Every Tuesday of the month, except 3rd Tuesdays -7:00 to 8:30 pm. Various locations (See Below Poster)